
International Instruments and Corporate Social Responsibility

  • English
Miraglio, M. et al
International Labour Office; MULTI
vii; 36
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Summary (English)

This booklet provides an overview of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives at the global, European and enterprise level with a focus on labour-related aspects. It describes the evolution of the concept of CSR, the role played in this area by international organizations and by the European Union, and workplace initiatives. The booklet explains in particular the three main international frames of reference that seek to guide enterprises: the ILO’s
Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy, the UN Global Compact, and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. It has beenconceived as a support for the training programme “The Labour Dimension of CSR: from Principles to Practice” that is aimed at explaining how the labour principles can be translated into concrete actions at the workplace. For this purpose, the booklet provides a theoretical background that might contribute to a better understanding of the labour principles.

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