
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter

Olivier De Schutter
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Summary (English)

In his final report to the UN Human Rights Council after a six-year term as the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Olivier De Schutter calls for the world’s food systems to be radically and democratically redesigned.

The report includes a summary of recommendations issued over the course of his mandate as Special Rapporteur (2008-2014), covering food price volatility, trade and investment in agriculture, regulating agribusiness, agrofuels, food aid and development cooperation, nutrition, social protection, women’s rights, Human Rights Impact Assessments, national strategies, agricultural workers, contract farming, small-holder farmers, agroecology, and the reinvestment in agriculture.

The report was presented at the Twenty-fifth session of the Human Rights Council.

Report 1536