
Social Protection for Sustainable Development: Dialogues between Africa and Brazil

  • English
UNDP World Centre for Sustainable Development (RIO+ Centre); UNDP Regional Service Centre for Africa
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Resource cover

Summary (English)

As an effort to support policy implementation and to bring an up-to-date analysis of creative policies blossoming across the African continent, the UNDP World Centre for Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro (RIO+ Centre) and the UNDP Regional Service Centre for Africa have produced this first RIO+ global report, focusing on social protection as key to pursuing sustainable development. The report examines the experiences of Africa and Brazil and captures lessons to provide policymakers with much needed information on existing programmes, their design and implementation processes. It calls for the expansion of the traditional social protection agenda to embrace a larger scope of action - one that promotes long-term change and delivers positive results across all three pillars of sustainable development.

