
Private pension systems built on precarious foundations. A cohort study of labor-force trajectories in Chile

  • English
I. Madero-Cabib; A. Biehl; K. Sehnbruch; E. Calvo; F. Bertranou
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Summary (English)

This article is organized as follows: First, it briefly summarizes the case study, relevant literature, hypotheses, and the contribution to this literature. Second, it discusses the dataset, cohort sample, variables, and methods. Third, it introduces empirical analysis of labor-force trajectories derived from different pathways of pension contribution histories and employment formality. Results show that the labor-force trajectories of approximately half of the Chilean labor force does not fit the theoretical assumption of continuous pension contributions and formal employment. Fourth, it concludes by discussing these results and their methodological and policy implications. In particular, it points to the fact that policy makers focused on aging should be aware of the increasing diversity and precariousness of labor-force trajectories when evaluating the performance and sustainability of both public and private pension regimes.

Article 784 Chile