
نحو بناء أرضية الحماية الاجتماعية في العراق- إطار مفاهيمي وتوصيات

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Summary (English)

This is the Arabic version of the Position paper titled: Building Iraq's Social Protection Floor - Framework and Recommendations. The English version can be found here: ILO | Social Protection Platform (

The objective of this working paper is to offer a set of strategies and options regarding the non-contributory social assistance programmes into a coherent, effective, and impactful system that contributes to the vision of Iraq as a socially inclusive and economically productive nation. This report was led by the ILO, under the Social Protection Programme for Iraq: Leveraging Effective Response and Accelerating Reform, which is supported by the European Union.

Report 613 Iraq social protection policy , assessment , social assistance , social protection floor , national strategies , projections , social transfers