
Concertation Newsletter N° 19, April 2008

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Summary (English)

This issue is largely devoted to the 4th Concertation Forum, which was held in Dakar from 26 to 27 November 2007. The Forum brought together 300 attendants interested in the mutual health organization movement in Africa, as well as hosting the general constitutive assembly of the African Union of Mutual associations (UAM).
The 4th Forum provided the occasion for several countries to present their national experiences on the subject of mutual health organizations and their role in the extension of social security.
Another article is dedicated to the new inventory system based on web technologies. Now mutual health organizations can fill in an online form at any time; the information is automatically entered into a database thus allowing a permanent and regular follow-up of the development of organizations in the region. The database can also be downloaded by any user who should wish to exploit the data within the framework of a study, a paper or any other research project.

Newsletter 1441 microinsurance , HIV/AIDS