
Ashwini Case Study

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Summary (English)

In the recent years, it has been observed in India a growing perception of the necessity to extend social protection to all excluded groups and a wider commitment to actively contribute to this extension through various strategies including the promotion on new micro-insurance schemes. As a direct result, numerous actors of the civil society (community-based organisations, women¿s groups, trade informal economy trade unions, NGOs, micro-finance institutions¿) have already taken numerous initiatives designing and setting-up micro-insurance schemes that were tailor-made to answer the priority needs and contributory capacity of their target groups. Recognising knowledge building as a first key issue, the STEP programme initiated in India a series of case studies aiming at documenting the various health micro-insurance experiments conducted at the local level, highlighting their operational mechanisms and assessing their present and potential impact in order to facilitate their possible development or replication. The present study on the Ashwini health insurance scheme, developed in Tamil Nadu Gudalur district, is part of this series and has been established with the cooperation of the GTZ.

Case study 2877 India