
Does informal credit provide security? Rural banking policy in India

  • English
Ramachandran, V. K.; Swaminathan, M.; ILO, Infocus Programme on Socio-Economic Security
International Labour Office
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Summary (English)

This paper deals with rural banking and credit policy in contemporary India and with the effect of the current policy of financial liberalization on the credit portfolios of rural workers. It examines, first, the major directions of rural banking and credit policy and indicators of performance of this activity in India since 1969. Secondly, it attempts to describe and analyse features of indebtedness of rural households, particularly rural worker households, in a south Indian village during different periods of national banking policy. Thirdly, it attempts to evaluate the potential of a new policy alternative micro credit projects controlled by non-government organizations - as a solution for problems of rural indebtedness.

Socio-economic security (ILO) 1642