
Integrar o desenvolvimento económico local e a protecção social: Experiências da África do Sul

Lund, F.; BIT-STEP
978-92-2-820737-8 (print) 978-92-2-820738-5 (web pdf)
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Summary (English)

Compared with existing economic and social policies in South Africa, this paper looks for a local economic development which is more protective and more pro-poor, and a social protection which enables economic activity. Several propositions are the points of departure to frame the choice of the case studies analysed, such as a core aspect of integrating social protection and LED, if the objective is to overcome poverty and exclusion, has to be to find processes for including less powerful and marginalised groups (whether the working poor, the junior ranks of local Government, the tiny but vital community based organizations, the unpaid volunteers) in needs indentification, and in the design, implementation and evaluation of programmes.

Working paper 3362 South Africa