
ILO Sub-regional Office for East Asia

  • Inglés
International Labour Organization
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Resumen (inglés)

East Asia, comprising Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, Japan, Republic of Korea, Lao Peoples' Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam, is the most populous and diverse sub-region in the world. It has more than a quarter of the world's population, with levels of development ranging from Least Developed Countries (Cambodia and Lao PDR) to the highly industrialized nations of Japan, Republic of Korea and Singapore.In recent years East Asia has been a major driving force for global economic growth, although the rates of growth within the sub-region vary considerably. Systems of government are equally diverse.

The primary objective of the ILO Sub-Regional Office for East Asia is to provide technical support to Governments, Employers' and Workers' Organisations in East Asia in their efforts to promote decent work. This technical support covers a wide range of specific subjects within the four core areas of the ILO's mandate; these are rights at work, employment, social protection and social dialogue.

As a Sub-Regional office, its advisory services and technical assistance support the ILO Country Offices in Beijing and Hanoi, which are responsible for ILO programmes in China, Mongolia and Viet Nam. The Sub-Regional office is directly responsible for ILO activities in Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Republic of Korea, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. ILO activities in Japan and Myanmar fall under the responsibility of the ILO Office in Japan and the Liaison Officer for Myanmar respectively.

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