
Medical Insurance

In Rwanda, all Rwandans must be covered by a health insurance according to the law. RAMA, MMI and Community Based Health Insurance are the main schemes of medical insurance. In addition of those institutions, private insurance companies provide also health insurance products. The diversity of all those structures allows nearly a universal access to health care to the population.

Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB)

In 2009, the merging of the two main institutions of Social Security has been decided to establish the Rwanda Social Security Board. The RSSB is in charge of coordinating the services of the Rwanda Medical Insurance Scheme (RAMA) and the Social Security Fund (CSR or SSF).

RAMA (Rwandaise d’Assurance Maladie): RAMA manages medical insurance for employees of public and private sectors.

SSFR (Social Security Fund of Rwanda): The Social Security Fund of Rwanda manages pension and occupational risk branches.

Pension Branch

Pension benefits are provided by the Social Security Fund of Rwanda (SSFR), the public institution in charge of providing the social security schemes to workers.

Pension branch means to help workers when becoming old and incapable of working or invalid and incapable of earning his life. It also supports the survivors in case of a deceased worker (eligible survivors).

It aims to guarantee decent means of living to retired persons, in relation to their social security contributions made during their active period (proportional to number of years worked and wages earned). The contribution is paid partially by the worker and its employer (rate of 2% of the worker’s remuneration).  Workers qualify for old age pension when they reach the age of 55 years old and have contributed during at least 15 years.

When the duration of insurance is less than 15 years and the insured person has attained the age 55 years, the pension branch provides a unique old age lump sum.


Occupational Hazards

Occupational hazards benefits are provided by the Social Security Fund of Rwanda (SSFR), the public institution in charge to provide the social security schemes to workers.

It aims to support workers when they have a work injury or occupational disease.  Victims of work accidents or disease are entitled to free medical care, daily sickness allowances, incapacity social security benefits, incapacity lump sum benefits or survivors allowances.

The contribution is made by the employer (2% of worker’s remuneration).

To know more about occupational hazards branch:


Legal Framework


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