Technical support to ESIS for improving and expanding access to health care services in India (Health Financing) – A transition to formality


Project properties

IND/18/01/GAT Asia and the Pacific India Foundation IND126 In progress This project is part of the Global Flagship Programme on Building Social Protection Floors for All


This project will contribute to improving access to health care services in India. It will realize the assessment of the Employees' State Insurance Scheme (ESIS) that is the largest contributory social health insurance scheme in the country. It will then support the development of a strategic plan to improve the services provided by the scheme to its beneficiaries and the design of an intervention to extend its coverage to more workers, notably to those in the informal economy with a capacity to contribute. Efforts to stengthening the scheme and expand its coverage will benefit from lessons learned from international experiences, including through knowledge sharing and mutual learning activites between Indian stakeholders and those engaged in similar activities in other parts of the world.


  • End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
  • Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all


19.12.2018 - 31.12.2024


2,018,141 / 2,087,569 Development Cooperation


Medical / health care Informal economy