Settlement of the funding gap for the compensation to be delivered to the victims of the fire at the Ali Enterprises in Baldia.


Project properties

PAK/16/01/KIK Asia and the Pacific Pakistan Private Sector Initiative Completed This project is part of the Global Flagship Programme on Building Social Protection Floors for All


The implementation, administration and governance of this project will be further developed in a process facilitated by the ILO in accordance with its applicable rules and procedures and subject to the necessary resources being made available to the ILO.


  • End poverty in all its forms everywhere


01.01.2017 - 31.12.2023


5.281.133 / 5.281.133 Development Cooperation

Timeline of linked projects

43 PAK/16/01/KIK 01 01 2017 12 31 2023
01 01 2016 12 31 2017 Pakistan - Social Protection policies developed/adopted at provincial level and schemes and programmes scaled up (country programme 2016-17) 236
12 01 2018 06 30 2021 RAS/18/01/UNS Achieving SDGs and ending poverty through Universal Social Protection 397
01 01 2019 12 31 2023 PAK/16/04/ITA Promotion of Decent Work Opportunities for the economic empowerment of vulnerable segments of society 399