
Crisis Response in Haiti

Alejandro Bonilla

As a follow-up to the two workshops held in 2010 in Haiti, the ILO, UNICEF and the UN Social Protection Floor Coalition are promoting the Social Protection Floor Initiative in Haiti.  A Show & Tell workshop took place in Port au Prince on May 24 2011.  The objective of this workshop was to exchange information on developments and priorities of the new government that just took office on May 14 2011.

The workshop also focused on the Rapid Assessment Protocol (RAP) developed by the ILO and UNICEF to support joint Social Protection Floor initiatives. This workshop involved both the participation of one official of the ILO Social Security Department in Port au Prince as well as presentations from ILO officials in Geneva through video-link. The members of the UN Coalition on the social protection floor will organize a "Stock-taking" workshop with the new ministers as soon as they are appointed and will collaborate in a joint proposal for the gradual implementation of the social protection floor.

Autres 24.05.2011 - 24.05.2011 Haïti Archivées