
Seminar on Social Protection at the Parliament of the Union of Myanmar

On November 22nd, 2014, FES, the ILO and the Committee on social development of Hluttaw (Parliament of Myanmar) organized  a one-day seminar for the Members of the Hluttaw (Parliament) on social protection in the global context as well as in ASEAN and Myanmar. Dr. Michael Cichon, President of the International Council of Social Welfare, presented different models of social protection extension and the impact of different systems on the political and economic development of countries (Presentation 1 and Presentation 2).

This was also an opportunity to share with the Members of Parliament the outcomes of the social protection Assessment-Based National Dialogue process which will serve as a technical basis to inform the drafting of the national social protection strategy –this process was conducted in Myanmar throughout 2014 jointly by the inter-ministerial Social Protection Technical Support Group and the UNCT.

FES and the ILO hope that this fruitful event will contribute to the historial decisions on the future model of Social Protection in Myanmar that the Members of the Hluttaw will have the chance to make in the near future.

Opening remarks by Chairman of the Phyithu Hluttaw, FES and ILO.


For more information on social protection work conducted by ILO Myanmar, click here

Events Myanmar Social protection policy , Awareness raising / advocacy , Capacity building , Governance , Legislation , National strategies , Social protection floor , Social services , Benefits , Social transfers , Cash / in-kind benefits Archived