
Resources on Disability-inclusive social protection response to COVID-19

ILO and UNPRPD (2021). Social protection measures for persons with disabilities and their families in response to the COVID19 crisis: An updated overview of trends.

ILO and UNPRPD (2020). An Initial Overview of specific social protection measures for persons with disabilities and their families

ILO and UNPRPD (2020). Disability-inclusive social protection response to COVID-19 and video

International Labour Organization (2020). Social protection monitor on COVID 19

World Health Organization (2020). Disability considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak.

 International Disability Alliance (2020). Key recommendations toward a disability inclusive COVID 19 response.

SPIAC-B. Joint Statement on the Role of Social Protection in Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic

OHCHR (2020). COVID-19: Who is protecting the people with disabilities? 

ILO-IDA (2019). Joint statement: Towards inclusive social protection system supporting full and effective participation of persons with disabilities.

UNICEF (2019). Global social protection framework,

Development Pathways (2019). Leave no one behind: building inclusive social protection systems for persons with disabilities.

Reports by international organizations and human rights bodies

UNPRPD (forthcoming). Considering the disabiltiy related extra costs in social protection.

ILO (2017). World Social Protection Report 2017-19: Universal social protection to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Chapter 3.5.

ILO (2014). World Social Protection Report 2014/2015, particularly Chapters 3.3. and 3.4.

UNESCWA; League of Arab States (2014). Disability in the Arab region: An overview.

UN (2015). Report of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities, A/70/297. (New York).

UN Human Rights Council (2014). Report of the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights (A/69/297).

UN Human Rights Council (2012). Guiding principles on extreme poverty and human rights, submitted by the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights.

UNICEF (2013). The State of the World’s Children: Children with Disabilities.

WHO and World Bank (2011). World Report on Disability.

Other reports, studies and other publications

Kidd, S., Wapling, L., Schjoedt, R., Gelders, B., Bailey-Athias, D. Tran, A. & Salomon, H. (2019). Leaving No One Behind: Building Inclusive Social Protection Systems for Persons with Disabilities.

Banks, L. M. & Polack, S. (2014). The Economic Costs of Exclusion and Gains of Inclusion of People with Disabilities. Evidence from Low and Middle Income Countries.

Copestake, J. (2008). Multiple Dimensions of Social Assistance: The Case of Peru's ‘Glass of Milk' Programme.

Groce, N., Kett, M., Lang, R., & Trani, J.F. (2011). Disability and Poverty: the need for a more nuanced understanding of implications for development policy and practice.

Hunt, P., & Backman, G. (2008). Health Systems and the Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health.

Marriott, A., Gooding, K. (2007). Social Assistance and Disability in developing countries.

Mina, C. D. (2013). Employment of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in the Philippines: The Case of Metro Manila and Rosario.

Mont, D., & Cuong, N. V. (2011). Disability and poverty in Vietnam.

Mont, D., & Nguyen, C. (2013). Spatial Variation in the Disability-Poverty Correlation: Evidence from Vietnam.

Sepulveda Carmona, M. (2010). The Importance of Social Protection Measures in Achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Sepulveda Carmona, M., Nyst, C., & Hautala, H. (2012). The human rights approach to social protection.

Sepulveda Carmona, M. (2014). From Rhetoric to Practice: Cash Transfers, Rights and Gender in Latin America.

Uthoff, A., Madariaga, A., & Robles, C. (2011). Protección social y generación de empleo: análisis de experiencias derivadas de programas de transferencias con corresponsabilidad.

*See also the joint UN Social Protection and Human Rights web platform, particularly this page.