
TORs - UN Joint Fund Window for Social Protection Floors

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What is it?

The SPF Window is the first window of the UN Joint Fund for the 2030 Agenda. It was created under the leadership of the ILO with UNDOCO, UN MPTF Office, UNDP, UNICEF and UNHCR.  It was approved by the Executive board of the UN Joint Fund for the 2030 Agenda on 31 October 2017. The Executive board of the UN Joint Fund includes ILO, UNDP, UNICEF, WFP and UNFPA.


How does it work?

The SPF Window collects funds from bilateral donors and the private sector and organizes calls for proposals allowing UN Country teams to support the development of social protection systems and floors. All agencies can participate in the calls for proposals under the stewardship of the UNRC.

Funding focuses on core activities that UN agencies cannot do alone, but do better by joining forces. For instance: support to the development of national social protection strategies, coordinated implementation of social protection floors or establishment of management information systems and monitoring of SDG 1.3. Funding will also support transition from humanitarian aid to development i.e. from donor-driven cash transfer programmes to building sustainable social protection systems in crises contexts.


How does it contribute to the UN SPF Initiative and the UN reform?

The SPF Window is one of the core components of the UN Social Protection Floors initiative (SPF-I). Since the launch of the SPF-I in 2009, participating UN agencies are delivering as One on social protection floors. Social protection is a core priority of many UNDAFs. UN agencies support jointly SPF design and implementation through UN joint programmes (e.g. in Mozambique and Zambia) as well as the development of UN SPF Teams that conduct joint activities such as the Assessment Based National Dialogue Exercises on social protection or support the Coordinated delivery of SPFs.

The SPF Window will strengthen joint UN programming and delivery as One by financing only projects that have been designed and will be implemented as One UN.

The SPF Window also fosters the roll out of UN reform by mainstreaming and accelerating delivery as One in UN operations and giving to UNRCs a central role in programming UN support to countries.


Which SDGs does it contribute to?

The SPF Window will support the implementation of all the SDGs related to social protection namely SDGs 1.3, 3.8, 5.4, 8.5 et 10.4.


What are the next steps?

We are currently carrying out initial discussions with interested development partners. We will then organize a soft launch with potential DPs and to mobilize others. A hard launch will be organized once the first commitments are confirmed and transferred to the SPF Window (mid 2018). We will then launch the first calls for proposals.


What are the inter-relations with the UN Joint Fund for the 2030 Agenda?

The SPF Window has its own governance structure that is based on the UN SPF Initiative’s structure. Proposals will be reviewed by technical experts from participating UN agencies and key donors. In particular UNDG Thematic Working Groups on SP will have a central role in the selection process of the proposals.

The SPF Window brings a concrete focus to the UN Joint Fund which is very broad in nature. Some donors of the UN Joint Fund may be willing to earmark their donations to the UN SPF Window.

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