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  • deadweight loss pérdida excesiva (de peso muerto),

    The difference between the total direct and indirect cost of a tax levied on the taxpayer and a fictive lump-sum tax yielding the same revenue. [ref. 8030]

  • defined benefit prestación definida, prestation définie

    The benefit paid in a defined-benefit scheme. It is usually based on a formula that takes into account the individual number of insurance years and the amount of earnings during the same period. The formula-based benefit level is guaranteed to everyone meeting the entitlement conditions. [ref. 8030]

  • defined contribution cotización definida, cotisation définie

    The contribution to be paid in a defined-contribution (pension) scheme. [ref. 8030]
    See: defined-contribution scheme

  • defined-benefit scheme régimen de prestación definida, régime à prestations définies

    A scheme under which the benefit is a defined amount,which depends on the number of contribution or insurance years and on the amount of earnings. [ref. 776]

  • defined-contribution scheme régimen de cotizaciones definidas, régime à cotisations définies

    A scheme under which contributions are paid to an individual account for each scheme member. The benefit depends on the account balance at the date of benefit withdrawal, i.e. on the amounts contributed, the interest earned and accumulated in the account as well as the administrative costs to be deducted. [ref. 8030]

  • deflator deflactor, [FR: nd]

    In national accounting the ratio between a "nominal" and a "real" variable (e.g. private consumption in current prices versus constant prices of a base year). Measures the inflation contents of the nominal variable. Constructing the basket of goods and services underlying a deflator is one of the core theoretical problems of measuring "real growth" of an economy, as the composition of the basket is itself a function of price developments. [ref. 8030]

    See also: price index

  • density of contributions densidad de las cotizaciones, densité des cotisations

    The ratio of the average number of contributions actually paid during a financial year to the maximum potential number of contributions that can be paid during that financial year. [ref. 776]

  • dependent ayant droit

    Person who, though not a member of a health micro-insurance scheme, benefits from the services it provides as a result of his or her family ties to a member. Some schemes accept as dependents the member's spouse (or spouses) and children up to a specified age; others also include ascendants (members' parents and grandparents) and even siblings (members' brothers and sisters). Members must register dependents upon enrolment in the scheme or, in the case of marriage or birth, subsequent to enrolment. When a person is no longer a member of the scheme, coverage is no longer provided to his or her dependents. [ref. 144]

  • deterministic model modèle déterministe

    A simplification of a stochastic model in which the proportion of occurrences of a given event estimated by the stochastic model is assumed to occur with probability 1. [ref. 776]

    See: stochastic model

  • domestic income ingreso interior, revenu intérieur

    Aggregate income produced by the inhabitants of a country within the country's boundaries, as opposed to "national" income, which is produced by the citizens of a country irrespective of whether the production takes place within or outside the contry's boundaries. For example, the earned income of a Belgian working in Luxembourg increases the domestic income of Luxembourg but the national income of Belgium. [ref. 8030]

    See also: national income