
UHC Day - The ILO is scaling up its work on social health protection as a rights-based approach to Universal Health Coverage

The COVID‑19 crisis has revealed large gaps in social health protection. Ensuring universality and continuity of coverage was essential in a pandemic where the health of one person affected the health of everyone. Globally, one third of the population is not covered by any social health protection scheme and coverage is only 16.7% in low-income countries.

In response, the ILO is scaling up its work to support constituents towards UHC. The ILO promotes a rights-based approach to UHC, with the objective of ensuring effective social health protection entitlements to access quality health care without hardship universally.


The ILO becomes co-chair of the P4H Network Steering Group

On October 6th 2022, at the occasion of the 22nd P4H Network Steering Group Meeting hosted in ILO premises, the ILO became co-chair of the Steering Group together with the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. The ILO is looking forward seeing the network reaching its full potential during this 2-year mandate.


Technical support to extend health coverage to workers and their families in the private sector in Jordan

In Jordan, while there is a legal provision under the Social Security Law (2014) for private sector workers and their families to be covered by a public scheme this provision was never enforced, therefore, at present this category of the population remains largely unprotected. The Jordanian Government, through the Social Security Corporation (SSC), is planning to start the rollout of health benefits for private sector workers, pensioners and their families. Learn more: in English and Arabic.


The Democratic Republic of the Congo on the road to establish legal entitlements to UHC

The ILO supported the design and development of the legal framework for the creation of a set of instruments and institutional arrangements that will make possible the implementation of the universal social health protection system. To this end, the ILO supported the revision of Law 18/035 of 13 December.

A view of the plenary session of the capacity building workshop for national deputies of the Subcommittee on Employment and Social Protection on Universal Health Coverage and the first reading of the bill, Zongo in July 2022.


The ILO co-hosts a high-level event on social health protection in Madagascar, leveraging P4H partners

On 17 November 2022, the Ministry of Public Health of Madagascar, the International Labour Organization/P4H Network, World Health Organization and the World Bank Group jointly organized a technical forum on financial health protection in Madagascar. This forum had two objectives: share experiences on and lessons learned from social health protection projects that are or have been implemented in Madagascar, and support the coordination of development partners and national stakeholders who are looking at next steps to advance Universal Health Coverage. The ILO presented its report on the extension of SHP in Madagascar.


Capacity building and south-south collaboration on social health protection in Asia

Strengthening capacity of Government’s officials to shape policies and enhance the administration of social health protection systems is one of the key priorities of the project “Building social protection floors for all: support to the extension of social health protection in Asia”, financed by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Seven students from Cambodia, Indonesia, Nepal, Lao PDR and Thailand are currently studying primary health care management and social health protection at Mahidol University, Thailand, with the objective to graduate with a master’s degree. Upon graduation, they will return to their home institution where they will put in practice their newly acquired knowledge, to the benefits of their countries. The ILO provides fellowships to the students and take an active part in the master by providing lectures and inviting regional experts for seminars.

Seven students from Cambodia, Indonesia, Nepal, Lao PDR and Thailand are studying primary health care management and social health protection with the fellowship of ILO.


Development of actuarial expertise with the ILO/HEALTH model in Peru

The ILO is undertaking an actuarial valuation of EsSalud to estimate and project the future financial impact of the introduction of parametric changes. A technical note on the impact of the maternity benefit extension complements the valuation.

To know more about the ILO support on social health protection see our service offer.

Events 12.12.2022 - 12.12.2022 Social health protection Archived