ILO-Japan project for promoting and building social protection in Asia (Indonesia - 4th phase)

About this page

This page is managed by the ILO-Japan project (Indonesia) for knowledge management. The regional project aims at improving unemployment protection and extending social protection to workers in the informal economy in Asia. For more detail about the project, please have a look at About us.

Events and meetings

25 Mar 2021 SPL1: Seminar on countering unemployment in the United Kingdom

31 Mar 2021 Technical meeting on the results of feasibility study on a proposed unemployment benefit scheme with the government

05 Apr 2021 Technical meeting on JKK and JKM with Social Protection Director of MOM

27 Apr 2021 Workshop on actuarial work for unemployment scheme

03 May - 11 Jun 2021 E-Learning on actuarial work for social security

03 May - 11 Jun 2021 E-Learning on contribution collection and compliance

22 Jun - 05 Jul 2021 Workshop on investment governance and asset and liability management

12 Jul 2021 Meeting with BAPPENAS on pension reforms

13 Jul 2021 Meeting on pension reforms with Ministry of Finance

14 Jul 2021 ILO-TEMPO interactive discussion: From unemployed to get back to work, what can unemployment insurance do?

15 Jul 2021 Technical meeting on pension with Social Protection Director of MOM

23 Jul 2021 Meeting with the directorate of social protection on pension work

28 Jul 2021 SPL2: Digital channels for public employment services and unemployment benefit schemes in Asia

29 Jul 2021 Meeting with BPJS on data request

09 Aug 2021 Academy on decent work in the rural economy

16 Aug 2021 FGD on BPJS study on adequacy of JHT replacement rate

25 Aug 2021 SPL3: The role of stakeholders in social protection reform in South Africa

31 Aug 2021 TUD1: Benefits and challenges in JKP implementation

06 Sep 2021 Tripartite meeting: ILO Social Protection Programme in Indonesia

29 Sep 2021 SPL4: Reforms of the employment insurance system of Korea in coping with the COVID-19 crisis 

30 Sep 2021 TUD2: Policy Options for Old-age Pension Reform

16 Sep 2021 Technical meeting: Briefing on JKP operations

20 Sep 2021 Technical meeting: Briefing on Employment Injury Insurance (EII)

22 Sep 2021 Technical meeting: FGD on JKP operations

11 Oct - 29 Nov 2021 Pilot training on Computer Network and Motion Graphic

15 Oct 2021 Technical meeting: Briefing on pension and old-age benefits (JP & JHT)

21 Oct 2021 FGD: Life-long universal social protection

27 Oct 2021 SPL5: Socio-economic conditions of old age population in Indonesia and their perception on old age income protection

28 Oct 2021 TUD3: Feasibility for implementing maternity benefit scheme

24 Nov 2021 SPL6: Social protection and climate change

30 Nov 2021 TUD4: Workers’ perspectives on reformation of social protection system

20 Dec 2021 Online Discussion - Maternity Leave and Benefit: Are Women Protected?

21 Dec 2021 Technical meeting: policy discussion on old-age pension system reform in Indonesia

11 Jan 2022 Technical meeting: update on social protection priority in Indonesia

26 Jan 2022 SPL7: Maternity and paternity benefits across the world

29 Jan 2022 TUF1: The roles of trade unions in governance of social protection system

25 Feb 2022 Investment expert session on asset and liability management in social security institution

05 Apr 2022 Technical meeting: Follow up of the development of training programme for PES staff or PASKER ID and Kios Siap Kerja of Ministry of Manpower (MOM)

13 Apr 2022 Technical meeting: Presentation of report on literature review on income security of older persons in Indonesia

20 Apr 2022 Technical meeting: Development of SOP on Kios SiapKerja of MOM

20 - 23 Apr 2022 Trade union training and bipartite discussion on social protection in Semarang

24 - 27 Apr 2022 Trade union training and bipartite discussion on social protection in Surabaya

08 - 11 May 2022 Trade union training and bipartite discussion on social protection in Serpong

19 - 22 May 2022 Trade union training and bipartite discussion on social protection in Bandung

23 May 2022 Technical meeting: BPJS/ILO - financial assessment on pension

21 Jun 2022 Technical meeting: DG of industrial relations and social protection on maternity rights

23 Jun 2022 Technical meeting: Director of Service, BPJS Employment

30 Jun 2022 Technical meeting: BPJS Ketengakerjaan on draft report of financial analysis of social protection schemes in Indonesia

04 Jul 2022 Technical meeting: brief to trade unions and Apindo on maternity benefits in Indonesia

05 Jul 2022 Discussion on Maternity Protection in Indonesia

13 Jul 2022 Technical meeting with Director of Social Protection Ministry of Manpower

18 Jul 2022 Technical meeting with BPJS Employment on financial assessment of social protection schemes in Indonesia

18 Jul 2022 Technical meeting with Executive Office of the President (KSP) on financial assessment of social protection schemes in Indonesia

19 Jul 2022 Technical meeting with Fiscal Policy Agency (BKF) on financial assessment of social protection schemes in Indonesia

19 Jul 2022 Technical meeting with BAPPENAS on financial assessment of social protection schemes in Indonesia

20 Jul 2022 Roundtable discussion on pension reform in Indonesia

21 Jul 2022 Technical meeting with DJSN on financial assessment of social protection schemes in Indonesia

27 Jul 2022 Workshop with IndustriAll on maternity leave

11 Aug 2022 Training on labour and employment issues for the Governance Institute of Home Affairs (IPDN) lecturers

18 Aug 2022 Webinar on talking about education and innovation, series 5: How does technology support education and training in Indonesia?

19 Aug 2022 PES training for PASKER ID and GIZ staff

23 Aug 2022 Technical meeting of WHO and ILO meeting on SDG data and indicators with SDG secretariat

24 Aug 2022 PES training for Manpower officials

08 Sep 2022 Tripartite Discussion on Maximizing Benefits and Extending Coverage of Job Loss Protection (JKP) Programme through Solidarity

19 Sept 2022 BAPPENAS workshop on competitive HR development projection

20 Sept 2022 BAPPENAS FGD on evaluation of implementation of National Economic Recovery programme at the Ministry of Manpower

24 Sept 2022 FPE-KSBSI workshop on Just transition and labour justice

17 Oct 2022 FPE-KSBSI workshop on Universal Social Protection: Is it still relevant? (Sorong)

26 Oct 2022 Technical meeting with Ministry of Manpower (MoM) on pension reform

26 Oct 2022 Technical meeting with National Social Security Council (DJSN) on pension reform

27 Oct 2022 Technical meeting with Fiscal Policy Agency (BKF) on pension reform

27 Oct 2022 Technical meeting with Executive Office of the President (KSP) on pension reform

15 Nov 2022 FPE-KSBSI Workshop on Universal Social Protection: Is it still relevant? (Pekanbaru)

24 Nov 2022 Regional training workshop on employment injury insurance and employment insurance

30 Nov 2022 Technical meeting with Ministry of Manpower on pension reform and employment insurance

30 Nov 2022 BRIN-BP JAMSOSTEK FGD on Indonesia labour condition 2023

17 Feb 2023 Technical meeting with BPJS and MOM to review JKP testimonial videos produced by the programme

21 Feb 2023 ILO workshop on ILS for MOM

23 Feb 2023 Technical meeting with BAPPENAS on pension reform and development of RPJPN and RPJMN

23 Feb 2023 Site visit to BPJS Employment Learning Center and discussion on possible development of training curriculum for directors and stakeholders of BPJS Employment

24 Feb 2023 Technical meeting with MOM on pension reform and JKP evaluation

01 - 02 Mar 2023 Workshop on investing in care leave and services for a more gender equal world of work

06 Mar 2023 Technical meeting with KSPSI (ATUC) on pension reform

06 Mar 2023 Technical meeting with KSBSI on pension reform

09 Mar 2023 MOM workshop on strengthening collaboration to strengthen provision of public employment services

10 Mar 2023 Site visit to PASKER ID

08 May 2023 Inter-ministerial discussions on pension reforms

08 Jun 2023 Adaptive social protection forum: Social insurance and climate change in Indonesia

12 - 14 Jun 2023 Provincial tripartite consultations on old-age income security in West Java

15 Jun 2023 Provincial tripartite consultations on old-age income security in Bali

26 Jun 2023 Tripartite discussion for the establishment of maternity benefit scheme

27 Jun 2023 [CANCELLED] Unemployment insurance in Indonesia: Challenges and recommendations

27 Jun 2023 Lecture on the function and role of the actuarial research unit of the Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

04 - 05 Jul 2023 Tripartite policy dialogues on old-age benefits in Makassar

02 - 04 Aug 2023 Provincial tripartite consultation on old-age income security in Solo

15 - 17 Aug 2023 Provincial tripartite consultation on old-age income security in Balikpapan

22 Sep 2023 Guest lecture at Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada

26 Sep 2023 Asia-Pacific social protection week 2023

22 Sep 2023 Lecture "Introduction to social protection" at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada

26 Sep 2023 Panel discussion "Just transition" at the ADB Asia Pacific Social Protection Week 

14 Nov 2023 Technical webinar with PRAKARSA "“Eight years of social security in Indonesia: Reflection on welfare of workers in old-age"

27 Nov 2023 Trade unions workshop on follow-up responses to draft law on mother and children’s welfare (RUU KIA)

28 Nov 2023 Panel discussion "Empowering girls and women through gender-transformative social protection" at the East Asia and the Pacific Regional Social Policy Forum

06 - 07 Dec 2023 Tripartite workshop on the evaluation of Unemployment Insurance Scheme (JKP), Pension (JP), and Old-age Benefit (JHT) programmes

08 Oct 2024 Asian Workers’ Compensation Association technical seminar on employment injury benefits for migrant workers

09 - 10 Oct 2024 Asia Expert Roundtable on Unemployment Protection 2024


01 Apr 2021 Indonesia to learn from the United Kingdom to set up public employment service

11 May 2021 Extending social protection to Indonesian digital workers

14 Jul 2021 ILO: Employment Insurance (JKP) – A step to deliver the integrated assistance for job seekers

22 Jul 2021 Indonesia to prepare integrated public employment service to assist unemployed finds new job

02 Sep 2021 ILO facilitates stakeholders learning on social protection

26 Oct 2021 Video: Understanding employment insurance and active labour market policy

05 Nov 2021 Universal pension, what is it? Why is it necessary?

23 Dec 2021 Podcast - How protected are pregnant workers

03 June 2022 ILO facilitates bipartite discussions on strengthening social security system

01 Jul 2022 The process leading to the establishment of an employment insurance scheme in Indonesia from an ILO perspective

13 Sep 2022 Indonesian unemployment insurance scheme reviewed for improvements after six-months of implementation

26 Sept 2022 Despite some improvements needed, Indonesia’s unemployment benefit helps laid-off workers during the transition period

26 Oct 2022 Video: Understanding employment insurance and active labour market policy - Lao

26 Oct 2022 Video: Understanding employment insurance and active labour market policy - Myanmar

26 Oct 2022 Video: Understanding employment insurance and active labour market policy - Bangladesh

08 Mar 2023 It is time for Indonesia to invest in care leave and services

29 Mar 2023 Indonesia shares progresses of its social protection system reform at a global forum

25 May 2023 The International Labour Organization supports in building capacity of social security institution in Nepal

15 Jun 2023 Indonesia to build resilience to climate shocks with Adaptive Social Protection

23 Jun 2023 Provincial tripartite consultation on old-age income security in West Java

27 Jun 2023 Tripartite discussion for the establishment of maternity benefit scheme in Jakarta

03 Jul 2023 Tripartite representatives of West Java Province adopted a joint statement on pension reform

06 Jul 2023 Provincial tripartite consultation on old-age income security in Bali

07 Jul 2023 Provincial tripartite consultation on old-age income security in Makassar

07 Jul 2023 ILO presents its key findings on maternity benefit scheme at the tripartite discussion

10 Jul 2023 ILO calls for the policy reform on old-age income security system in Indonesia

18 Aug 2023 Tripartite representatives of Solo adopted a joint statement on pension reform

31 Aug 2023 Indonesian inspiration: Lessons for Lao People’s Democratic Republic on social security

14 Sep 2023 High-level Sri Lankan delegation visits Indonesia to study social security system

10 Oct 2023 Bangladesh and Indonesia share good practices on social protection and unemployment insurance

17 Nov 2023 Indonesian Ministry of Manpower appreciates ILO technical assistances on various employment issues

22 Feb 2024 Video: Hope amidst job loss: The story of Indonesia's unemployment benefit recipient (Agus)

22 Feb 2024 Video: Hope amidst job loss: The story of Indonesia's unemployment benefit recipient (Farah)

11 Jun 2024 Japan's Vice Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare visit with ILO in Indonesia

Media coverage

Visit a summary page here.


Visit our flickr page here.


22 Jun 2021 Actuarial analysis of a proposed unemployment insurance scheme in Indonesia

25 Nov 2021 Reforms of the employment insurance system of the Republic of Korea to cope with the COVID-19 crisis

01 Jul 2022 The process leading to the establishment of an employment insurance scheme in Indonesia from an ILO perspective

07 Jun 2023 Social insurance and climate change in Indonesia: Implications for Adaptive Social Protection ambitions

13 Jun 2023 Financial assessment of the social security pension schemes administered by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan as of 31 December 2020 and costing of sickness and maternity benefits

24 Jul 2023 Maternity leave in metropolitan Indonesia: Evidence on duration, benefits and job protection

16 Oct 2023 Feasibility study on an unemployment insurance system for Indonesia: Institutional and operational aspects

18 Oct 2023 Unemployment insurance in Indonesia: Challenges and recommendations

18 Jan 2024 Just energy transition in Indonesia: The role of social protection in facilitating the process

26 Jan 2024 Severance pay in Indonesia: Evidence from a small-scale survey during the onset of COVID-19 pandemic


14 Jun 2023 Joint statement of provincial tripartite consultation on old-age benefits in West Java, Indonesia

15 Jun 2023 Joint statement of provincial tripartite consultation on old-age benefits in Bali, Indonesia

04 Jul 2023 Joint statement of provincial tripartite consultation on old-age benefits in South Sulawesi, Indonesia

04 Aug 2023 Joint statement of provincial tripartite consultation on old-age benefits in Central Java, Indonesia

16 Aug 2023 Joint statement of provincial tripartite consultation on old-age benefits in East Kalimantan, Indonesia

External links

Project page - ILO Country Office for Indonesia and Timor-Leste

Results monitoring tool - Social Protection Platform

Development Cooperation Dashboard


Ippei Tsuruga, Social Protection Programme Manager -

Diah Safitri, Administrative and Finance Assistant -

Project Indonesia
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