The role of social dialogue in developing, implementing and evaluating sound social protection policies and sustainable social protection systems cannot be overstated. The Social Protection Floors Recommendation, 2012 (No. 202) highlights the critical role of social dialogue in formulating and implementing social protection (extension) strategies. Social protection policy measures that are developed through effective social dialogue provide more efficient, balanced and durable solutions, including in periods of crisis such as the current COVID-19 pandemic.
This has also been recognised at the highest political level. The Resolution on the Global Call to Action for a human-centred recovery from the COVID-19 adopted by the International Labour Conference (ILC) at its June 2021 session has emphasised the need to achieve universal access to comprehensive, adequate and sustainable social protection, including nationally defined social protection floors. At the same time it called for the promotion of social dialogue to achieve the objectives of the Call to Action.
During the same session the ILC adopted also the Resolution and Conclusions concerning social protection. The conclusions underline that universal social protection is crucial for the prevention and reduction of poverty, inequalities, social exclusion and insecurity. It is also an effective crisis response, enabling access to healthcare and stabilizing aggregate demand by supporting income security and facilitating job transitions and business stability. The conclusions call on the ILO constituents to build sustainable social protection systems through national efforts and calls on member States to leverage inclusive social dialogue in all its forms, including collective bargaining, by meaningfully involving social partners in the formulation, monitoring and evaluation of social protection policies and strategies, and in the governance of national social security systems.