Costing SPF Coverage Gaps in Thailand: Methodology and First Results Workshop

The workshop took place on Wednesday 30 November, 2011 from 8.30 am to 17.30 pm at Amari Watergate Bangkok, 847 Petchburi Road, Bangkok 10400 (Watergate Ballroom A, 6th Floor)


The costing workshop aimed at sharing the methodology, the assumptions and the results of the costing and at confirming the relevance of the proposed social protection provisions. Participants engaged in a discussion that helped prioritize between possible Social Protection policy options in the context of long term social protection development and short term disaster management, and served as a basis for discussion on the fiscal space and Government’s budget reallocations. It was crucial that government agencies and line ministries as well as the academia, representatives of the civil society, and of UN agencies participate in this discussion. 

This workspace is dedicated to the Social Protection Floor Costing workshop to share the presentations made by the facilitators, and for all participants to share ideas, information, and experiences discussed during the meeting.

Download Term of Reference with Agenda here: ENG/THAI

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