Section 6 - Tripartite participation

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Section 6 - Tripartism

Thanks to the Tripartite Consultation Group that has been created in 2011 for the ILO-EU project on improving social protection and promoting employment, workers and employers representatives have been involved since the very beginning of the project formulation. Actually, the idea of having a one-stop shop for social protection and employment services has emerged as one of the conclusion of the ILO-EU project.

In addition to the participation to that group, workers and employers representatives have been involved in several workshops in the year 2011-2013.

They were notably present during the South-South Exchange on "Integrating Social Policies and the Delivery of the Social Protection Floor" held at Siem Reap from the 29th to the 31st May 2013. The employers were represented by CAMFEBA (Cambodian federation of employers and business association) while the workers were represented by the independent democratic of informal economy association, the farmers’ association for peace and development, the Cambodian tourism and service workers federation and the building and wood workers trade union.

Together with government representatives, those organizations have been involved in a working group for the implementation of Social Protection Floors in Cambodia. The conclusion presented by that group at the end of the workshop reaffirmed the commitment of Cambodia to implement a one-stop shop for social and employment services.




14 Mar 2011


Member of the ILO-EU tripartite consultative group, chaired by MoLVT

Consulted and endorsed the project workplan, TOR of the steering committee and input to a study “

15-16 Mar 2011


The National Tripartite Training Workshop on Promoting an integrated strategy for improving social protection and creating jobs

Sharing knowledge on the design and implementation of social protection and employment policies and reviewing methods of integrating both policies in a national development strategy

2-4 Nov 2011



Skills Training Workshop on Diagnostic Tools for the Extension of Social Protection and Promotion of Employment

Knowledge sharing on planning tools for the formulation of national strategies, capacity building on diagnostic tools, design and implementation for social protection and employment promotion and policies

27-28 Mar 2012



National Policy Dialogue on

“Integrated Employment and Social Protection Policy”

Validation of three key documents for the national policy development

Discussion and consensus among tripartite constituents on the draft national action plan with recommendations

Dec 2012



Interregional conference in Brussel “Improving Social Protection and Promoting Employment” Experiences and lesson learnt

Sharing with Honduras, Bukina Faso on visions of the tripartite partners, experiences

Production of a set of recommendations to improve the integration of employment and social protection policy

May 2013


Integrating Social Policy and the Delivery of Social Protection Floors.

Sharing experiences on improving coordination, on developing integrated packages, on linking employment and social protection, and on implementing integrated delivery mechanisms for these services, following a Single Window Service approach.


For more information on the Siem Reap workwshop on "Integrating Social Policy and the Delivery of Social Protection Floors.", click here


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