China High Level event to Achieve the SDGs on Universal Social Protection
South-South and Triangular Cooperation
Joint ILO – CHINA – ASEAN Conference
to share worldwide experience to extend social protection floors to all
Beijing - 6 – 8 September 2016

Statement of the ILO Director-General
Guy Ryder
"A consensus has emerged in the early 21st century that universal social protection is a fundamental development priority. Social protection is a key element of national strategies to promote human development, political stability and inclusive growth.
The Social Protection Floors Recommendation, 2012 (No. 202), reflects this consensus... in this spirit the Sustainable Development Goal 1.3, calls for implementing "nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures for all, including floors."
Panel Discussions
Panel Discussion 1
- 06 Sep -
Universal Social Protection to achieve the SDG through South-South and Triangular cooperation
Panel Discussion 3
- 07 Sep -
How have countries reached universal coverage: a reflection on peer approaches
Panel Discussion 6
- 08 Sep -
Successful cases on building national strategies and implementing social protection floors
To achieve Universal Social Protection. The ILO and its partners have developed methodologies and tools and specific approaches to address vulnerabilities. ILO’s Flagship Programme on Building Social Protection for All contributes to Universal Social Protection IN LINE WITH THE 2030 DEVELOPMENT AGENDA
Universal social protection is achievable and critical to implementing the new UN development agenda
Speech by the ILO's Director-General, Guy Ryder at the ILO-China-ASEAN High-level Seminar to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals on Universal Social Protection through South-South and Triangular Cooperation in Beijing, China.
More infoILO: Universal social protection already a reality in many developing countries
Press release (06.09.16) At a high level conference on universal social protection ILO Director-General Guy Ryder has told delegates that: “In 2016, a lack of social protection is completely unacceptable. This has to change, and this can change.”
More info