Section 3 - Assessment

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Section 3 - Assessment

Two pilot provinces have been selected, Siem reap and Banteay Meanchey, to test the implementation of the strategy at provincial, district and commune level.

In these two provinces, an inventory, assessment, and mapping of existing social protection and employment related programs have been conducted. This will serve as a baseline for the further evaluation of the interventions in these two provinces, and will support the choice of those programs that will in the future be up-scaled at national level.

The Assessment aims at drawing recommendations for the further design of the SSDM. Two matrices (the SPF matrix and the Employment Security Matrix) were developed to describe existing social security schemes, social protection programs and employment related services. Policy gaps and implementation issues were identified. Among the recommendations that were formulated, the SSDM was proposed as a relevant and suitable solution to overcome some of the identified challenges.


The assessment phased included:

  1. Stock taking - Using the social protection floor framework to describe existing schemes & government’s strategy;
  2. Analyzing - Comparing existing social security system with social protection floor framework; finding the policy gaps & Implementation issues;
  3. Proposing - Drawing recommendations & identifying additional social protection provisions to be introduced: “scenarios”.


Main findings of the Social Protection and Employment Assessment in Siem Reap and Banteay Meanchey

Policy gaps:

  • To date, most of the population remains uncovered, most of all the existing health schemes fail to have a substantial outreach and broad coverage gaps remain. 

  • Some stakeholders question the methodology used by IDPoor (frequency, cost, accuracy), which is the baseline for the registration of households under most of the programmes. For example, IDPoor Methodology fails to capture urban poor, migrant workers and homeless people

  • The specific needs to some vulnerable people are not taken into account in the benefit package (for instance, the transportation cost are not systematically covered by Health Care programmes)

Implementation issues:

  • As there is no central database, the ID Poor Card is the only way for the service providers to identify the beneficiaries. However, for some reasons (delay in the reception of the card, loss of the card, households absent during the pre-identification process etc…), some poor households may lack an IDCard 
  • Barriers of access may remain such as lack of information and awareness among the potential beneficiaries about their entitlements. 
  • For the persons eligible for exemption of fees , unofficial demands for payments are frequent (for example, in 92% of the total exempted cases at health center in 2010.[1])
  • The information (on beneficiaries, on the utilization of benefits etc…) is gathered and updated in Phnom Penh, which fails to empower the subnational institutions. Besides, there are issues of lack of capacity to collect and process data at local level
  • one of the main challenges mentioned by many stakeholders is the lack of empowerment of the subnational 
  • There is no central database to ensure the coherence of all the scheme and the portability across the different schemes
  • Most of the scheme are financially depend on donors and fail to build financial sustainability



For more information on the assessment phase

To download the assessment matrixes, click here 

To download the full assessment report, click here 

To access the minutes of interviews conducted during the assessment phase, click here


[1] Health Financing Report, Ministry of Health, 2010

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