Social Security Inquiry
The ILO Social Security Inquiry (SSI) questionnaire has become the main comprehensive tool used to compile data on social protection coverage for children, unemployed persons, older persons, persons with disabilities, women with newborns, work-injury victims, and the poor and the vulnerable. In addition, indicators on adequacy of social protection benefits and the revenue and expenditure of the social protection schemes are being produced based on the data provided in the questionnaire. Social Protection Department has been disseminating comparable statistics on global social protection programs periodically via thematic studies as well as the ILO Flagship World Social Protection Report, which is published triennially and includes information on legal and effective coverage of social protection systems, description of contributory and non-contributory programmes, indicators of adequacy of benefits, social protection expenditure and others for more than 190 countries. The latest report was published in 2017 - World Social Protection Report 2017-2019: Universal social protection to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Learn more about the SSI
- Social Security Inquiry Questionnaire - Online version (for registered users)
- Social Security Inquiry Questionnaire - Excel version (EN), (ES), (FR), (PT)
- Getting Started Guide (EN), (ES), (FR), (PT)
- Technical Guide (EN)
- Social Security Inquiry Questionnaire (including a module on migrant workers - EN) and Getting Started Guide